Categories: The BUZZ

Viral: Asif and Mudasir are friends again!!

Do you remember the post posted by Asif in Facebook few weeks ago announcing that his friendship with Mudasir was over? The social media all over the world was shocked as the post went viral. Many started to lose the faith in term ‘friendship’ itself!

But guess what? As there is a saying that “True friends are never apart”, Asif and Mudasir are back again as friends! And they both have posted in Facebook yesterday in the manner which only they both can!

Your ego seeks conflict; it loves nothing better than to win battles for you, sadly as it wins, you often lose respect and friendships. If you wish problems to persist, keep blaming everyone and everything but yourself, for he who persistently blames and criticise only fans the flames of hatred and controversy…….so from now Mudasir Ismail Ahmed and SAlman AHmad Naqash both are my best friends….” wrote Asif  in his profile.

At the same time, even Mudasir reciprocated the gesture by posting a fully wisdom post, “Hurtful words can cut deep. But the deepest cut isn’t really the hurtful words at all, but rather the lost relationship and love if you choose not to put the past to rest and begin fresh……so from now all quarrel with Asif Raza Rana is ended now, and we are again best friends forever…

The social media is finally happy that the two friends are  back together within weeks and wish that every enmity in this world could be solved by posting a tastefully photoshopped “friends again” post with full of wisdom!

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