There is no universal parameter to judge the parenting style. There should not be any, because parenting style is anyway a subjective phenomenon. In t…

There is no universal parameter to judge the parenting style. There should not be any, because parenting style is anyway a subjective phenomenon. In t…
Cyanide is a film I cherish for more reasons than just as a great acting experience. The politics of the LTTE led Freedom movement in Srilanka that I…
There was a famous slogan used by communists, Temple is just a building with four walls, idol is just a stone”. Almost all temples in Kerala would hav…
On July 19th, lakhs of people from the Lingayat community thronged the streets of Bidar— a city on the northern tip of Karnataka, demanding a separate…
I was on two debates on TV, one with Ms.Padmaja Joshi on India Today #TTP #KamalvsLotusBJP leader @MALAVIKAAVINASH & Maqsood Ul Hasan Qasmi lock h…
If you just look back to a 100 years ago, all your smiling faces will go blue. You get anger. Your blood goes violent. A tiny drop happens at the edge…
This article is translated to English by Shruthi Rao from the Kannada article of Rohith Chakrathirtha. Think you are in a vegetable market, you ask th…
CPM started Jana Jagratha Yathra to counter Kerala BJP’s historical performance of Jana Raksha Yatra. But Jana Jagratha Yathra led by CPIM state secre…
An Insider’s perspective… The year was 2016 & the film was Vijay’s Bhairava. I played a Judge & him, as always an activist rendering pag…
“Time is money” in solving any crime scene. Unearthing pieces of evidence, probing deep into the witness accounts and a broad and out of the box minds…