Meet Priya Bangard Whose ‘A for Accounts’ Teaches Accountancy Online For Free

For  the first time in India, learn accountancy through digital video lectures FOR FREE. It’s Interesting and easy. This is what you read when you watch the promo video of Aforaccounts.com . Well, to make a long story short, if you are a commerce student trying to make your life in accountancy simpler, its time for you to give a shot at this website. Accountancy is not anymore nut  a tough and rough nut to crack. All credits to C.A. Priya Bangard and her crew of dedicated professionals who have put incredibly tremendous and commendable effort in getting educational content to the doorsteps  of your desktop screens. So we got in touch with the lady herself.  Have a look at the interview team readoo had with C.A. Priya Bangard.

  1. How did the idea of going online and going online for free spur first?

Our Current education needs to address 3A’s:


Quality education should be the basic right of every student in this country. Currently, it is not within the affordability of all. Hence the innovative concept of AforAccounts.com which provides education free of cost to the students.

Accessibility to masses:

Good tutorials may not reach to students across the country, however, a digital video certainly can. A for Accounts ensures digital lecture series available on the internet which can be accessed from all devices viz. personal laptops, desktops and smartphones


The current education environment is changing and students are looking for solutions “on the go”. AforAccounts.com thus aims at providing flexibility to study as per their convenience.


  1. A noble cause, no doubt, did you believe that you were going to succeed in your pursuit of making AforAccounts.com a big player in teaching accountancy?

Accountancy requires strengthening of concepts and lots of practice. At A for Accounts, we have targeted to make the subject interesting. The lectures on AforAccounts.com are not mere classroom recordings. Few of the unique concepts used are:

  • We have leveraged audio visual techniques by ensuring that the question, its solution, and explanation all appear on the same screen.
  • A for Accounts also provides detailed analysis of paper pattern and approach towards solving it effectively
  • Personalized Digital Dashboard indicating the course completion status.

AforAccounts.com now has over 700 videos encompassing syllabus of Standard 11th and 12th.

Our focus has been to strengthen the fundamentals of accounts. This would help students as they move ahead in their education and professional journey

The current effort at AforAccounts.com is our first step towards the many milestones which we would want to achieve.


  1. What was the motivation in putting so much of effort? And who were the supporting stones in building this wonderful state of an art website?

I have flair towards teaching. Also, I am a firm believer of the fact that whatever good we are enjoying today, the resources towards that enjoyment has been drawn from the society and thus it is our duty to return something back to the society in one form or another. My contribution has been in the form of AforAccounts.com

In my interactions with people at large, a common theme emerged indicating the challenges in our current coaching process, where students are more inclined to focus on the outcome rather than understanding the basics of accounts.

I engaged with my brother Mr. Ratish Modi, who is an Alumni of National Law University, Jodhpur and is in teaching profession for the past 8 years. We did detailed research across boards and its curriculum in accountancy. We designed the approach and concept taking into consideration the current educational opportunities. Our main themes while designing the concept were:

  • Simplicity
  • Acceptability
  • Scalability


  1. How difficult was it in the initial days to get the website running successfully, and making more people feel the presence of such a website?

A for Accounts is an entirely self-funded initiative. A major effort has been spent in ensuring that the content is relevant for the students. We have adopted referral concept as the methodology for ensuring that more students are benefited with the initiative.

We have been doing roadshows and interacting with students on this initiative. We have used social media to create awareness of this program. We have started off as a startup with an innovative thought, and hoping to bring about disruption in the field of accountancy coaching.


  1. If there were to be a time machine that would take you back to the day you launched the website what are the changes that you would want to see on your website? And what approach would you take?

Given an opportunity to improve the past, I think we should have inducted more like minded people with us who would prove fruitful in creating a parallel Digital Library for each and every related commerce subject like Economics, Business Management, etc.


  1. What message would you want to give to the aspirants who want to learn accountancy? How could their journey be smoother with you and your website to guide them?

Patience, practice, and persistence are the keys to a strong foundation in accountancy. Don’t move ahead to the next chapter till you are clear of the previous one. As in mathematics, you cannot solve complicated sums till you basic addition and subtraction is not clear, same is for accounts. Avoid last minute preparations. View few videos daily. The Dashboard incorporated into the system for A for Accounts help the students keep a track of his course completion status. A topic can be viewed numerous times. Each video has a comment box where a query can be asked and would be resolved from our end.

  1. Is there anything else that you would want to share with the readers of the readoo platform?

Through your medium, I would like to ensure more students are made aware of this initiative. In case there is any feedback, would request readers to reach out to us at aforassets@gmail.com

  1. What message would you like to give to young innovators who want to come up with new start-up ideas like yours?

There are abundant opportunities in the world. It is all about identifying it and live it every day. As an entrepreneur, we need to believe in our dream. If we are confident on the dream, we would definitely achieve our goal one day. It would be a tough journey initially; however we should never give up.


It is been a really nice conversation with you. Readoo India fraternity wishes you success in making quality accountancy lessons reach more people. Those who wish to donate to this cause can use this section of aforaccounts.com.

Aditya Kalluraya: Entrepreneur. Driven by a passion for creating platforms for people to share their opinions, experiences. A student of life, learning new things by choice.
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