Categories: Spirituality


Adhyathma Ramayana by Sree Rama Dasa Manish

Devi wants to know more about Rama Part 8

Parvati with tears of joy said to Shiva. “O lord of all the worlds! I am indeed fortunate and blessed to have heard the truth concerning Rama. My hopes and expectations have been fulfilled by your grace. The knots of my complicated doubts have been cut. My deepest queries have been answered.”

Read Part 7 of Adhyathma Ramayana here

The all-knowing Shiva however; perceived that Parvati was not completely happy. He asked her the reason for this. Parvati said, “ O Lord! Your words about Rama and his Shakti which are capable of destroying the worldly bondage have indeed brought me plenty of insight. However, the story has been brief and deeply metaphysical. I wish to hear it in detail and in a manner easy enough for me grasp.”

It is important to note that Parvati is in no way lesser than Mahadeva, when she requests for a simple version of Rama’s esoteric story; It is purely for the benefit of us Humans, she asks Shiva to impart a simpler version of the esoteric truth about Rama so that us earthly mortals too may become privy to the deepest secret of existence itself.

Another significant fact is that all Shaiva Agama Shastras are dialogues between Shiva and Devi. Devi questions and Shiva answers. All Vaishnava Agama Shastras are dialogues between Vishnu and Lakshmi.

All the Agama treatises start that way. Why? Why this method? It is very significant.

It is not a dialogue between a teacher and a disciple, it is a dialogue between two lovers. And Agama signifies through it a very meaningful thing: that the deeper teachings cannot be given unless there is love between the two; the disciple and the master. The disciple and master must become deep lovers. Only then can the higher, the beyond, the esoteric, be expressed.

So it is a language of love; the disciple must be in an attitude of love. But not only this, because friends can be lovers. These texts imply that a disciple moves as receptivity, so the disciple must be in a feminine receptivity; only then is something possible. You need not be a woman to be a disciple, but you need to be in a feminine attitude of receptivity.

When Devi or Lakshmi asks; it means the feminine attitude asks.

Why this emphasis on the feminine attitude?

#SriRamauVijayate #JaiSriRam #JayaSreeRama #AdhaytmaRamayana #SpiritualRamayana #EsotericRamayana #SreeRamaDasa

Dr. Manish Mokshagundam: Dr. Manish K Mokshagundam, PhD is commonly known as Sree Rama Dasa, insists that the “Dasat-va” of Sree Rama is his only identity and everything else are roles that he plays, some of which are as a Meditation Guru, Spiritual Master, Journalist, Analyst, Life & Leadership Coach, Film Maker, Media Consultant, Father, Husband, Friend, Teacher, and so forth.
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