Categories: Spirituality

Devi wants to know more about Rama (continued) – Part 11

Why this emphasis on love and the language of love while imparting the deepest esoteric secrets of existence?

Because if you are in love with your master, then the whole gestalt changes; it becomes different. Then you are not hearing his words.  Then you are drinking him. Then words are irrelevant.

Really, the silence between the words becomes more significant. What he is  saying may be meaningful or it may not be meaningful; but it is his eyes, his gestures, his compassion, his love.

That is why the Agamas have a fixed device, a structure. Every treatise starts with Devi asking and Shiva answering or Lakshmi asking Vishnu. No argument is going to be there, no wastage of words. There are very simple statements of fact, telegraphic messages with no view to convince, but just to relate.

If you encounter Shiva with a question with a closed mind, he will not answer you in this way. First your closed-ness has to be broken. Then he will have to be aggressive. Then your prejudices, then your preconceptions have to be destroyed. Unless you are cleared completely of your past, nothing can be given to you. But this is not so with his consort Devi; with Devi there is no past. Remember, when you are deeply in love your mind ceases to be. There is no past; only the present moment becomes everything. When you are in love the present is the only time, the now is all; no past, no future.

So Devi is just open. There is no defence; nothing to be cleared, nothing to be destroyed. The ground is ready, only a seed has to be dropped. The ground is not only ready, but welcoming, receptive, asking to be impregnated. So all these sayings that we are going to discuss will be telegraphic. They are just shlokas, but each shlokas, each telegraphic message given by Shiva is worth a Veda, worth a Bible, worth a Koran. Each single sentence can become the base of a great scripture. Scriptures are logical; you have to propose, defend, argue.

Here there is no argument, just simple statements of love.

#SriRamauVijayate #JaiSriRam #JayaSreeRama #AdhaytmaRamayana #SpiritualRamayana #EsotericRamayana #SreeRamaDasa

Dr. Manish Mokshagundam: Dr. Manish K Mokshagundam, PhD is commonly known as Sree Rama Dasa, insists that the “Dasat-va” of Sree Rama is his only identity and everything else are roles that he plays, some of which are as a Meditation Guru, Spiritual Master, Journalist, Analyst, Life & Leadership Coach, Film Maker, Media Consultant, Father, Husband, Friend, Teacher, and so forth.
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