Let us Pledge to Celebrate all our Festivals – in the Right Way

Translated by Rohinee Ram Shashidhar from Readoo Kannada.

Bharath is a land of festivals and festivals are the time where love and joy are spread amongst the community members. It is said that on an average a Hindu in any part of Bharath has minimum 2 regional festivals in a month, which will be welcomed with warm smiles and its own set of rituals.

But, due to collective Hindu shaming, many of our festivals and the rituals connected with them are being lashed out and condemned by the vicious nexus of Mullah, Marxists and Missionaries and off late Indian judiciary has also fallen prey for their tactics and is issuing Ban or order against our rituals like Immersion of Ganesha or Maa Kali idols, or height of dahi handi during Janmashtami or bursting of crackers during Deepavali and many more instances can be listed out.

Festivals are the time where money is circulated in the market and each festival has the power to make local artisan/trader rich, if we Hindus wake up and start a collective movement of buying locally. Instead of showing our outrage on Social Media platforms, we Hindus can collectively adopt practices, which does not harm our environment and which boosts our economy too – and all these in the name of our festivals.

Instead of buying Chinese lamps this Deepavali, let us buy from our very own potters and increase their revenue. Instead of buying Chinese POP Ganesha murthy, let us buy from our artisans, who make authentic clay Ganesha and instead of immersing in lakes, let us plant the clay murthy in pots and sow seeds and grow plants, which will contribute for green/eco friendly festival. Instead of buying clothes of international brands and making a foreign CEO rich, let us buy from our local weavers or khadi shops and make the money/profit stay in our country. Instead of buying plastic kites this Sankranti, let us insist and buy paper kites from our local artisans, which will help boost our economy. Let us make sure that we are buying the goods for festivals from a Hindu shop/trader, whose profit will stay in Bharath itself. Every paisa that stays in our country makes a Hindu strong to face the oppression and makes his/her voice heard.

Arise and Awake or be ready to perish. Let us support each other and face the oppression. Let us strengthen each other and fight the war, which is being waged unknowingly on us. Let all of us be proud of rich heritage and our roots

Rohith Chakrathirtha: Bengaluru
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