Categories: Opinion

Suit-boot ki Sarkar, net neutrality and much more- Rahul Gandhi returns

The ever ‘youth’ leader of the Congress party, Rahul Gandhi is back into the action and giving the news bytes to the mainstream media and social media. He is fresh after political sabbatical ( Vipassana? rejuvenation? rehab?) of 56 days in a foreign location and no doubt he looks motivated and taking down NDA government on various issues which the latter has failed to communicate effectively with the people.

During his rare intervention in the Lok Sabha, the prince of the Congress party started by saying “Aapke Pradhan Mantri”, eh…? seriously Rahul Gandhi? Is Narendra Modi not the PM of whole India or are you an Italian citizen?

This is so much fun!

Then he said  Aapki jo sarkar hai, wo udyogpatiyon ki sarkar hai, bade logo ki sarkar hai, suit-boot ki sarkar hai.”

Irony! Irony! The great-grandson of Jawaharlal Nehru mocks fine clothes

Sonia’s sable worth 45lakhs?

He has realised that criticism of the rich goes well in the country. But, so funny for a truly privileged person born with a golden spoon in a Nehru-Gandhi family who are known for their luxurious lifestyle and pompous display of richness, living at taxpayers cost in Lutyens Delhi to make this kind of a comment. Shocking that even many journalists (read as paid journalists) applauded him for this comment. This shows the mindset of elites who feel unhappy/bitter seeing a person from a poor background having the audacity to wear suit-boot. Thanks for exposing, Mr. Gandhi.

In his efforts to paint Modi govt pro-rich, he is exaggerating too far and hurting the business in the country. He conveniently forgets that his party for 10 years ran the most corrupt government in the history of India. The biggest land grab scam has happened during his government’s time. It is sad that those who presided over 2G, CWG, Scorpene, Agusta & other scams are now posing as farmers’ saviors.

Then he continues
Aap bahot badi galti kar rahe ho. Aap kisaano ko chott pahucha rahe ho woh aapko chott pohochaenge”

Late Indira Gandhiji with Reliance founder Dhirubhai Ambani

Mr Gandhi seems to forget Congress history. It was Indira Gandhi who amended the law to declare that farmers whose land was taken forcibly by the government could not get “compensation” from the government but only an “amount”- because all landowners were exploitative kulaks and, therefore, did not deserve proper compensation. Now those kulaks have become the builders of India for whom Mr Gandhi’s heart bleeds. Going further back in history, it was Jawaharlal Nehru who put land acquisition beyond the pale of judicial review. Indeed Nehru told those who were being displaced to make way for the Hirakud dam that “if you are to suffer, you should suffer in the interest of the country”.

quote from Business Times Editorial Article. 

Farmers’ suicides are the result of decades of bad agricultural policies so how is Congress getting away with blaming PM Modi? Who will tell Mr. Gandhi that the increasing prices for procurement of food crops(which UPA govt did) will not help them but increase the food inflation, which will hurt our economy a lot. Instead, we should help them grow more crops in a given land. Remember 60% percent of the people are dependent on agriculture but contribute only to 15% percent of the GDP. This is alarming because the country is relying largely on other factors like manufacturing, service, mines for GDP. To balance this, we should provide more and more job opportunities for the farmer’s family. Read my article on Land Acquisition Bill (The truth about Land Acquisition Act).

And the criticism of PM Modi’s foreign travel is frivolous. For India to become a major global player, PM must strengthen our external ties. And as a head of the Government, it is his duty to re-strategize the fading relations with foreign countries and he is largely successful on this front and deserves a pat.

Another comment Mr. Rahul did was he pitted the ‘Jawaans‘ against the ‘Kisaans‘ and said PM Modi was buying arms while farmers are dying. How irresponsible can a person be while commenting? It is due to the laziness/ policy paralysis of the previous UPA government, major decisions on Arms deal did not move an inch keeping our defence force vulnerable. And to be a superpower, we need a solid defence power too. So there is no comparison between a ‘jawan’ and a ‘kissan’, both are equally important.

About Net Neutrality

 Last few weeks, millions of people in the social media are protesting for net neutrality. All credits to Mr. Rahul Gandhi for taking up this issue in the parliament. But here also Mr. Gandhi tried to paint the government as pro-rich. Watch the video below after 2.00 mins, and listen to his words. He says that the government wants to carve out the internet to the corporates and demands the ban of TRAI consultation process. I don’t know who has briefed to him on this issue, the internet service providers are corporates only and they buy the spectrum in the auction process. And this has been started during decades of Congress rule. The net neutrality issue is not at all connected to this(Read my article about net neutrality here), but who will care explain it to Mr. Gandhi?


Unfortunate suicide of a ‘farmer’ in a rally

To score the brownie points on the Land acquisition bill, the AAP had organised a kisaan rally in Delhi. During the rally, a man named Gajendra Singh hung himself on the tree which was just 35-40mtrs away from the stage where Arvind Kejriwal and other AAP leaders were seated. Unfortunately, the man died in the incident. The latest developments on this issue show that this was a planned stunt which went horribly wrong.

 Mr. Rahul Gandhi was quick enough to visit the hospital where Gajendra Singh was declared dead. Good gesture, but it would have been really nice if he had visited his own constituency,  Amethi which has a numerous case of farmer suicides. Rahul Gandhi is representing it from past 11 years and his family has been representing from decades but still no one visits them to heed their problems. Read the report by, India Today here (No end to farmers’ struggles in Amethi despite Rahul’s return).

So, dear Rahul Gandhi you are(at least your family is) in politics since long time, we expect a mature politics from you. Please don’t mislead people, because of you industry, infrastructure and development have become bad words. It is sad that, even after 20+ years of liberalization, suit, boot, car, corporate are considered as anti-farmer. How long will you deny the better life quality, jobs for farmers’ children? Your petty politics is causing huge damage for the business sentiment in India. So, please there are a lot of other issues, where this government is erring, target them on those issues, not these.

Aditya Kalluraya: Entrepreneur. Driven by a passion for creating platforms for people to share their opinions, experiences. A student of life, learning new things by choice.
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