India to lead International Solar alliance of over 120 Countries in a vow to promote clean energy

Prime minister Narendra Modi announces a new alliance of 120 nations and industry on large-scale expansion of solar energy use in the tropics and beyond in the ongoing COP21 Climate Summit at Paris.

Along with France President Francoise Hollande, Modi told a press conference that as fossil fuels put the planet in peril, hopes for future prosperity in the developing world now rested on bold initiatives. Modi described the solar alliance as “the sunrise of new hope, not just for clean energy but for villages and homes still in darkness, for mornings and evening filled with a clear view of the glory of the sun.” This alliance is said to be a “Gamechanger” in making this world a better place.

The Indian government is investing an initial $30m (£20m) in setting up the alliance’s headquarters in India. The eventual goal is to raise $400m from membership fees, and international agencies. Companies involved in the project include Areva, Engie, Enel, HSBC France and Tata Steel.

Welcome response

“It is very, very exiting to see India nailing its colours to the mast and providing leadership on this issue,”

said James Watson, the director of SolarPower Europe.

“This bold effort could bring affordable solar power to tropical villages and communities worldwide,”

said Jennifer Morgan, the director of the World Research Institute’s climate programme.

“India has emerged as the natural leader for this alliance, with its ambitious targets to install 175 GW of renewable energy by 2022,”

said Arunabha Ghosh, chief executive of the Council for Energy, Environment and Water in India.

People see Modi as a clean energy enabler, after he rapidly rolled out more than 900MW of solar energy across Gujurat, while chief minister there.  The membership statement of this alliance states that the alliance will “pave the way for production technologies and storage of solar-energy, adapted to the specific needs of our country”.

We appreciate India’s efforts in promoting alternate energy and hope that the mission of this alliance will come to reality soon.

Read more about this news here.
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