With almost all countries backing India for its entry to the Nuclear Suppliers Group – NSG, China doesn’t seem to be softening their stands on India’s entry in NSG. China has more than enough re…
Nationalists Are Stupid
Nationalism is measles of mankind, said Albert Einsten. It is a psychological disease, according to me. Look at history textbooks; nationalism is the major cause of all conflicts and wars. I am not a …
What is Zika? Why are people panicking about this deadly virus?
Just as the world seemed to be coming to terms with incurable ailments such as AIDS and ebola, in flew the aedes aegypti mosquito – also the carrier of dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever – with a wh…
India to lead International Solar alliance of over 120 Countries in a vow to promote clean energy
Prime minister Narendra Modi announces a new alliance of 120 nations and industry on large-scale expansion of solar energy use in the tropics and beyond in the ongoing COP21 Climate Summit at Paris. A…