Categories: The BUZZ

A lot can happen over a Facebook status now!

Met with an accident? Got in touch with the girl of your life? Bought a new car? Angry with the system? All these are different situations. But in this social media age, one thing remains the same, you have to update all these on social networks. And you do that. But the frowning part is for the people close to you. Say the case is with the accident, they will say “ Get well soon”, but you like that status. Now “LIKE” should not be the thing to do when a person puts a status about pain. When a person’s relationship status changes from “single” to “ In a relationship” you need to go “wow”. You need to frown when a person puts “What’s wrong with this nation?” as his status. But all you can do is to like! But wait, Mark Zuckerberg is one of those guys who closely follows what people want. So Facebook decided to meet the user needs. Now you can do a whole lot more than “like” a Facebook post. “Love,”Haha,”Wow,”Sad,” and “Angry” are five new Facebook buttons that people can click when responding to a post. And now you can see “ 29 people responded to your status/photo” instead of the older versions of “ 29 people liked your status/photo. The product teams in Facebook have worked for more than a year preparing these reactions for launch. Sociologists, social groups were consulted and a number of surveys were conducted to determine which emotions should be finalized. Universal understanding and equal usefulness were the two things which Facebook looked at before a final cut on the emotions were taken.

Facebook’s product manager Sammi Krug said, “We wanted to be really, really careful about which reactions we [launched]”. “Are we giving people more tools to express themselves more accurately and authentically?”. However, the most discussed dislike button is not amongst the emotions which made it to the market. This decision from Facebook according to me is a very decisive one because it would otherwise make the social network a virtual battleground for opinion makers. Zuckerberg had hinted on launching the “dislike” button in last September. This in a number of ways looks like a good decision keeping in mind the popularity of the media it is

Ashish Saradka: I am a debater orator and luckily an engineer. I work for HP, Writing is a passion .my principle in life " LOVE CAN CONQUER ANYTHING AND ANYONE ". Electronics computer and nature pull out the child in me
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