How to find the ‘HIDDEN’ games of Facebook Messenger?

There used to be days where people were fascinated by postcards. Receiving any postcard from our loved ones meant a lot to us. It had nothing but few lines of text which described everything what sender wanted to convey. But now, we have moved into an era where postcards are replaced by instant messages. Though we were able to send and receive the messages in an instant, people demanded something more. This resulted in the evolution of cute emojis and the rain of love poured into it. Since there are many instant messaging apps available in the app market, every app tried to look unique by providing few uncommon features in it. Facebook messenger being one among them, came up with extra special features which they have kept hidden. Though the reason behind hiding it is unsure, it makes the user cheerful when they come across such features luckily. They tried to hide few such features behind emojis and commands.

Did you know sending football emoji to your friend in Facebook Messenger, opens up a football game for you? Yes, it does. Euro 2016 inspired Facebook to develop this game which can be played by an average footballer. The user just has to send football emoji to his mate and tap on it, this opens a new window where he can spend his time playing football. This provides hours of fun.

Similarly, sending basketball emoji to your friend opens up basketball court where you and your friend can play basketball in the chat window and the highest score will be logged in the same chat. These games are quite addictive.

One can even play chess in the same chat window, but no chess emojis are provided for that. By simply typing “@fbchess play” , opens up a new chess board and the game is on. In this game, the user can also access help text by typing “@fbchess help”.

Other than games, One can also view loveable pictures of pets by typing “@dailycute” which helps in lifting one’s emotional state. This experiment made by Facebook messenger saw a great leap in the market. The basketball game was played 1.2 billion times and exceeded the company expectation. This made them launch 17 new ‘instant games’ this month. These instant games are available on the newer version of iOS and android devices. This games can be found by clicking on game controller icon next to photos and stickers. So not only  ‘whats up?’, we can do much more with Facebook Messenger. This is why it is such a big hit.


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