Categories: Spirituality

Adhyathma Ramayana by Sree Rama Dasa Manish – Sri Rama Hridayam (Continued) – Part 7

I am giving the Sri Rama Hridayam Maha-Mantra (eight Stanzas) verbatim in English script for those who wish to learn it in it’s original Sanskrit message, followed by my explanation.

Sri Mahadeva uvacha;

 Thatho Rama swayam praha hanmanthamupasthitham,

Srunu thatwam pravakshyami hyathmanathma parathmnam ||         (1)


Akasasya yadha bhedhasthrividho  drusyathe mahan,

Jalasaye mahakasasthadavachinna eva hi,

Prathi bibhokhyamaparam  drusyadhe trividham nara ||           (2)


Budhi vichinna chaithanya mekam poornamadhaparam,

Aabhasathwaparam bimba bhoothamevam tridha chithi ||                     (3)


SAbhasa budhe  karthruthwa avichinnavikarini,

SAkshinyaropyathe branthya jeevathwascha thadha budhai ||       (4)


AAbhasasthu mrushaa budhi ravidhya karuamuchyathe,

Avichannanthu  thad brahma vichedasthu vikalpitha ||                         (5)


Avichinnasya poornena, ekathwam prathipadhyadhe,

Thwamasyadhi vakyaschasaabhasasyaahamasthadha ||                     (6)


Aikya jnanam yadothpannam, maha vakyena chathmano,

Thadha vidhya swakaryaischa nasytyeva na samsaya ||               (7)


Yethadvijnanaya mad bhaktho mad bhavayopa padhyathe,

Mad bhakthi vimukhanam hi sasthra gartheshu muhyatham,

Na jnanam na moksha syad thesham janma shatairapi ||              (8)


Idham rahasyam hrudayam mamathmano,

Mayaiva sakshad kaditham thavanagha,

Mad bhkthi heenaya sataya na thwaya,

Dhatavyai maindradhapi rajyothodhikam ||


Sri AdhyatmaRamayanam Balakhande Sri Rama Hridayam Sampurnam ||

Mahadeva Rudra tells Parvati that,

Then Rama himself addressing Hanuman who was near him said,

hear about the truth about soul, non-soul and the Transcendent Soul.

Rama draws a simile of the sky and explains to Hanuman that just as the sky can be divide into three distinct parts. Firstly as the limitless blue sky, then the reflection of it in large water bodies like the Sea, lakes and ponds and thirdly as a tiny mirror image in a small vessel holding water.

Similarly; the consciousness (Chitti) has three aspects. First there is the all pervading pure consciousness (Poornamadhaparam). Then there is the consciousness of the intellect (Buddhi) and thirdly there is the consciousness reflected in the intellect (Bimba).

Rama is reiterating that it is the same pure consciousness or the absolute consciousness that is being reflected and re-reflection through eternal limitation and ignorance (Avidya) of the observer (Atma) the result  which will always be the enslavement of the inactive subject consciousness to the worldly life.

The unchanging consciousness, which is also the only witness of everything is reflected in the intellect through the lens of Maya (illusion). As already seen  Avidya (ignorance) and its cosmic aspect, maya are nothing but Sita Mata, the power (Shakti) of Rama. Thus, as Shakti, they are real for limited beings, but simple manifestations of consciousness for Rama.

With regard to the limited being (Atman), though the Mantra says that all activity belong to the intellect (Buddhi), I am of the opinion that the activities should actually be  attributed partly to ParamAtman (Read Rama) who is not inert, but in possession of the five-fold actions of creation, maintenance, dissolution, occultation and grace. When the ignorance of limitation is dissolved and witnessing of the pure and absolute starts then immediately the universe appears as the real I-consciousness, a mass of consciousness and bliss.

Just as the reflection of the sky is false and limited in the geographic water receptacles and even more limited in the small vessel; Rama consciousness is perceived as intellectual and I-centred respectively due to the adjuncts of the illusionary power of Sita. In reality there is no such division and all three are but one undivided whole while falsely appearing as divided into three.

Rama ingeminates that surrender (Bhakti) is the most important element to the successful manifestation of this supreme truth. Only the true surrendered devotee can get this esoteric secret and become one with Rama. He also warns that the egotistical fool who looks for the ultimate union with Rama consciousness through mere reading and recitation of the Mantras and Scriptures devoid of acquiescence to Rama can never attain the true nature of Rama even in a hundred reincarnations (Janmas).

 Rama says to Hanuman, “O sinless one, this esoteric truth about me is called the Sri Rama Hridayam and has been declared by myself ( the divine incarnate) to you

 He also orders Hanuman, and through these words all his devotees and Dasas that this knowledge; which is superior even to the attainment of heaven by Indra, should not be transferred to any conceited self-centred person who has no devotion to Sri Rama.

This also ends the first chapter, Bala Khanda of Adhyatma Ramayana.

#SriRamauVijayate #JaiSriRam #JayaSreeRama #AdhaytmaRamayana #SpiritualRamayana #EsotericRamayana #SreeRamaDasa

Dr. Manish Mokshagundam: Dr. Manish K Mokshagundam, PhD is commonly known as Sree Rama Dasa, insists that the “Dasat-va” of Sree Rama is his only identity and everything else are roles that he plays, some of which are as a Meditation Guru, Spiritual Master, Journalist, Analyst, Life & Leadership Coach, Film Maker, Media Consultant, Father, Husband, Friend, Teacher, and so forth.
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