We have miles to go, but wait, Happy B’day Readoo!

There are different ways of looking into every aspect of life. There is an optimistic way to see all positives of it, a pessimistic way to see all negatives, an idealistic way to think of changing everything around and make this world a beautiful place to live, a realistic way which deals with understanding what can be done, and what stays unaccomplished. We all have our ways of doing things, and different principles of dealing with life. Every journey is different, every journey is unique, but there are some people we meet, some relationships we develop which makes one journey important over the other. This is about one such journey. The journey with team Readoo.

First of all Happy second Birthday www.Readoo.in 2 years in the making. Well in the age of startups and computer revolution, 2 years is a long time. That’s roughly 3 changed cellphones, migration from 2g- 3g and now to 4g. We have moved so fast, things have changed a lot in the last 2 years. Yet there has been a constant on my facebook timeline, that’s Readoo.in.

My journey with Readoo started in a very vague manner. It was not the perfect start. I had never known anyone of the readoo.in guys personally. Didn’t have any interaction beforehand. A distant cousin of mine had told me about a website that promotes young, passionate hobby writers. I wasn’t interested. Not interested because I was too busy (Doing nothing!!) with my life. In another meeting again she asked me to try my luck writing. This time I thought I should give it a shot. I didn’t write a new article. I sent over an article which I had once written in my blog to “Team Readoo.” I got a reply that they would publish it in a few days. Finally my first article in readoo.in came out on August 8th 2015. I didn’t know, and probably even the Readoo team didn’t know that we would go on to depend on each other like very close friends over the span of a year and half till date. I realized that I had written over 100 articles for them when the Readoo team congratulated me for doing that.

The journey has been good. I have learnt a lot about writing. I have learnt a lot about content development, marketing and the commercial aspects of why things work and why it doesn’t. In the last two years Myself and Team Readoo has gone onto become “Us!!”. Now we talk in terms of we need to write about this topic, we need to plan about this venture. We have developed a sense of mutual trust and great respect for each other and everyone in the team. We have had successful adventures like “Dristikon,” the photography contest which helped us get over 150 + entries and user participation of over 10,000, we have seen rough patches and low times when our backs where pushed way back into the wall. We have stayed strong, we have stayed happy, and sportive in all these times. The only reason behind this is we are all Passionate, young and creative people who trust in our efforts and hard work. We have sometimes been successful in communicating to people what we intend to express and sometimes have gone otherwise.

No matter what the results are, no matter how harder it gets, we will keep rowing, either in the direction of current or against it because we believe in working hard every single day, we believe in being and becoming the best in what we do. We are our Competitors, we win when we surpass our efforts from a day before, and we fail when we don’t work on a given day. We understand what value we add to the society trying to be the voices of people who search for a platform to express themselves. We also understand our responsibilities towards this nation and society. On this day, like every other day we pledge to understand and live upto our expectations, understanding our responsibilities and being a voice of change and revolution in this age of social media and web development. Hoping to have many more people and happily face a lot more challenges and reach many more milestones in the years to come. Cheers!!

Ashish Saradka: I am a debater orator and luckily an engineer. I work for HP, Writing is a passion .my principle in life " LOVE CAN CONQUER ANYTHING AND ANYONE ". Electronics computer and nature pull out the child in me
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