The Citizens of Mangalore are coming together to keep the city clean through an unique campaign!

Have you heard of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan? This is probably the lamest question being asked if you are an Indian. The government of India launched its flagship project Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in 2014 aimed to cleanse India. But the next question would startle you! What have you done to help the cause of cleaning India? If you are an average Indian with the so called “Indian mentality” probably this question wouldn’t bother you. Because a government project shouldn’t bother you. But if you are one amongst those new generation ( Not by age, but by virtues) Indians, you probably have embraced the cause of working for a clean India.

This is a story about one such group of people. Team Swachh Selfie Saga- Mangalore is a group of like minded individuals who teamed up for the cause of cleaning the city of Mangalore. They emphasize and plan to propagate this campaign throughout India in the future. To start with they ask people to click selfies when they dispose garbage in dustbins and act as good Samaritans for a cause. They are then asked to tag 5 friends and challenge them to do the same. The team plans to create a chain effect of this kind and make cleanliness a day to day job for everyone.

The campaign is driven and mentored by the able leadership of Sri. D. Vedavyasa Kamath, a social worker from Mangalore. He says that he believes in a clean environment and a green place to live in can dramatically change the lifestyle and improve health amongst the people who reside in a particular place.

So how selfies help?
1. Well for starters, selfies are something which catches the eye. That is a new generation thing (Again by virtues and not by age). It defines something unique and more importantly it is simple
2. For every selfie that you click a counter ticks once, when 50 people do this the team promises to plant a sapling and take care of it.
3.  Educate people about waste management and take up go green initiatives.
3. You could win attractive prizes every month.

Citizens from Mangalore have responded to the campaign well and we have received over 400+ photos till now!

You can view all the photos on the Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/pg/SwachhMangalore/photos/

We at Readoo.in believe that it is our social responsibility to stand up and work for a good cause. So we happily agreed to propagate the idea of spreading cleanliness and being the social media partners for a clean and a green Mangalore. We have done our part of spreading the message. What about your part of being a Clean Ambassador?

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