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7 Things You Must Do Before You Turn 30

Life is short. It’s hardly around 60 years on an average, and for you to be without regrets on the day you die you have to make sure that you have lived your life to the fullest when you had a chance. And 30 years is halfway through that journey. Here are 7 things that you need to do before you turn 30.

1. Learn to live life by yourself:

Parents, friends, family and relatives are all a part of our life. But our lives are meant to be lived and enjoyed by us. So learn to live on your own. Earn money, make better decisions in life and probably move out of your parents’ home by the time you are 20-25. Move to a cosmopolitan city and live life at its edge.

2. Learn to love:

Life is meaningless without love. While loving others is a trivial thing, learn to love and appreciate yourself. Accept yourself the way you are. They say love can conquer the world, not too sure if that happens, but yeah it can surely make life more easy and livable.

3. Learn to accept a “No” gracefully:

It could be your boss denying a promotion, or the girl of your dreams rejecting your proposal, there are some aspects of life which are not in our control and things which we can’t comprehend. We will lose some people we love by the time we turn 30. Learn to accept it and to move on.

4. Travel:

This world is beautiful, from lush green forests to barren deserts, from gushing waterfalls to soothing oceans, from wonderful mountains to dreading valleys, earth is scintillating. Put on a backpack and travel. Love the way the world unfolds under your travel shoes. People say the meaning of life can be discovered over such journeys, discover yourself.

5. Learn to challenge yourself:


It could be cycling for miles or running a marathon, challenge yourself. Solve some tough mathematical problems, never give up during tough times. Learn to handle stress, learn to live with expectations and hopes. 30 pushups, 10 pullups a dozen squats would be your starting point.

6. Start investing:

There is going to be a time when you are old, or you have kids. You need to invest to educate them, you need money for your healthcare needs in future. You need resources to plan your retirement. Plan for it. Start investing. Shares, mutual funds and even small time investments can go a long way in helping your future needs.

7. Learn to treat others well:

By the time you are 30, it is common that you meet a lot of people from various backgrounds, races, colors and gender. Learn to treat everyone well and equal irrespective of where they come from or what they do. Treat everyone with a warm smile and a humble attitude.

Practicing these things can help you have a happy, peaceful and an adventurous life. Enjoy living in it. Keep constantly challenging yourself to compete with yourself and achieve a higher purpose and be a better human being than before. When you are all sunshine to the world, the world will also greet you with a smile.

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