Categories: Opinion

I am a dabbawala and I am proud to be one..!!!


I am a proud citizen of the country with over a billion people and I am from a city where millions of people flow in every day trying to find a new life. Yes, I am from Bombay aka Mumbai..!

Feels great to be a one in a family where I have 4999 brothers and my father gave an opportunity to satisfy people serving them by joy and happiness. I am proud to say that I m a delivery man, a man not only delivers food from homemaker to home earner but also their happiness.

I live in a city of opportunities and my choice is to take it as an opportunity to make myself and my costumers happy. Every day my journey starts before rise of sun to make things go good and to serve joy and I go to collect the box of pure love and homemade food which is no less than the best happiness in the world to appropriate person at specific time. I know people’s trust and belief on me.

 I sometimes carry a dabba from a regretting wife to angry husband after their fight in the morning with a message “I love you” from wife and in return the same dabba from the husband which has unspoken message “Love you too” with couple of cinema tickets at times. I sometimes carry a dabba from old granny to her grandson. If granny gets the satisfaction of serving her kid with homemade food, the kid gets the taste of her granny’s food.  And what do I get? I get the happiness of serving them.

Our family’s mission is – serving food is equal to serving god. My grandfather started the process of carrying love from home to office 125 years ago and still going on even in my generation. Distance multiplied, Complexity increased, and struggles doubled, but even our purpose is quantified to serve love.

Some people say “A watch can go wrong but not Dabbawalas” & there is no error in our work. We believe our work is more our responsibility and we are passionate to do this. We believe our efficiency of sharing is precious and cannot be valued.

We believe technology can nowhere replace the kind of joy & love we have and trust of customers on us. One of our customers said that he sends his salary to home in his dabba which is carried by us with honesty than carrying in his pocket at local train where there is more chance of theft..!!!

We believe we are the soldiers of Shivaji maharaja and it’s the strength behind us. We are proud to say that we don’t have any strikes or police & court cases till now. All those come from mistrust and dishonesty. Mistrust and dishonesty? What’s that? We don’t even know that.

 All we use is Carts, Bicycles & assistance of local trains as our medium in sharing the love. We got many awards, rewards, recognitions & appreciations as a token of success in our work. But we never worked to get them. In the path of hard work, we got them as a token of love.

Here I am writing this letter to you all to say how proud I feel to be a dabbawala and how much happy I am to share the happiness all around.

Once again – “I am a dabbawala and I am proud to be one”

Sai Nikhil Ditakurthi

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