Categories: Opinion

The autopoiesis, and the government

The success of social actions is dependent upon the functional liberty of autopoiesis, whereas the failure of social actions is dependent upon the structuralism of allopoiesis. Autopoiesis is a social theory dealing with the self-correcting mechanisms which are capable to regulate “self”, whereas allopoiesis is socially obsessed with the system that creates something unintended.

Liberty, as a principle, is functional in the cultural environment of human action (purposeful behavior). It is totally in sync with the rule of spontaneous order, since the system of organized chaos is infatuated with the rule of imposed order. The cultural rule of spontaneous order is not compatible with the dynamics of human design (planned order), in my view. The autopoiesis of spontaneous order is a principle of self-organization. It can help us decipher the expansion of universe, the movement of celestial objects, the evolution of life on earth, the activities of cell, ant colonies and the formation of crystal structure. Whereas, the allopoiesis system (planned economy) believes that a single ant can drive the movement of all ants. Planned order of an economy is antithetical to the nature of freedom, thus, the government which enjoys monopoly on force, violence, intimidation and expropriation cannot succeed in its operation because the law of economics cannot change (no matter how strong the demagogy and euphemisms are).

When the social rule is obsessed with the mindlessness of allopoiesis (creation of something than self), the society will always land in the state of dystopia. Government is not the answer to all questions; government is the problem to all our solutions. The enunciation of autopoiesis is a “necessary angel” to fight the “necessary evil”, in my view, and it is advisable to observe “chaos” at your discretion because the economics of history always tell us that people cooperate with each other (during the times of revolution, disorderliness, etc). Is the process of allopoiesis capable to divorce irresponsible concepts like moral hazard, too big to fail, chilling effect, etc? When people are forced to comply with certain dictates, the society will always sustain the caliber of zombie apocalypse.

An autopoiesis analysis of an ancient chinese proverb says,

“The more laws and restrictions there are, the poorer people become. The sharper men’s weapons, the more trouble in the land. The more ingenious and clever men are, the more strange things happen. The more rules and regulations, the more thieves and robbers. Therefore, the sage says: I take no action and people are reformed. I enjoy peace and people become honest. I do nothing and the people become rich. I have no desires and people return to the good and simple life.”  

The economics of market thrive, when people are the living organisms of autopoiesis. Chris, admin at “rule of the freedom”, blogs, “The most free and open complex societies in history are the ones that made all the most important advances in knowledge and the arts—not China in its days of oppression but in its days of openness. Not in today’s Middle East with its corrupt dictatorships but in the Middle East that advanced mathematics, astronomy and medicine and saved all the books the Europeans had thrown out as blasphemous. Not that Europe; the Europe since the beginning of the Enlightenment. But not the Europe of today, either, with its seemingly endless regulations, bureaucracy and welfare state. Europe used to consist of many small states with little power to regulate their societies.” Anarcho-capitalist Hans-Hermann Hoppe puts it, “Contrary to orthodoxy, then, precisely the fact that Europe possessed a highly decentralized power structure composed of countless independent political units explains the origin of capitalism—the expansion of market participation and of economic growth—in the Western world. It is not by accident that capitalism first flourished under conditions of extreme political decentralization: in the northern Italian city states, in southern Germany, and in the secessionist Low Countries (Netherlands).”

Social members of our global community can cohesively cooperate with each other, when the so-called competitive allopoiesis system collide in its own contradictions. It is uneconomical to legislate “control” to control the mechanisms of self. Since the government is apoplithorismosphobic (fear of deflation) and emporiophobic (fear of free market) – in nature, it is incoherent to add more statism to a problem. The history of economics always tell us a “politically incorrect” story and that is “a spade is a spade, no matter how many progressive agents of change believe in it”. The system of autopoiesis does not guarantee the perfection but it surely attempts to honestly lift people out of problems, poverty and politics. The current state of our economy is allopoiesis – in character, thus, the anarchy of agorism can help many people pauperize the government. The merit of autopoeisis is that it emancipates people from the structural constraints or the “real” terrorist (government).

Jaimine Bezboznik: A blasphemous writer awaiting sedition charges for soliciting Indian readers to think critically and anarchistically.
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