Categories: Opinion

Democratic Democide

No matter how many euphemisms are applied by our “experts” to beautify the horrendousness of democracy, the gods still fail to hamper their own satanism against liberty. Democracy is the slowest form of communism, whereas communism is the fastest form of socialism. Democracy democides its own people; the episteme of demoncrazy is embedded in the structure of mob rule. Whereas, democide is a practical experiment which the government does directly (mass killings) as well as indirectly (inflationary taxation).

In government’s dictionary, a single death is a natural calamity. It becomes a statistic, when the politicians wage a “war on freedumb”. Never mind. Democratic democide can also include deaths arising from “intentionally or knowingly reckless and depraved disregard for life”; this brings into account many deaths arising through various neglects and abuses, such as forced mass starvation. Such undemocratic actions go unpunished because government democratically enjoys monopoly on force, conscription, intimidation, threat and violence.

Professor Rummel has demonstrated that “power kills”. The greater the state power, the less the freedom of its subjects; and the greater the state power, the greater the democide. In short, the greater the freedom people have in terms of their rights and control over their respective lives, the less killing — democide, war, revolution — will occur. Dr. Rummel concludes that to stop such democide we must promote liberty. Well, I suggestvoluntaryism too.

With inputs from Mises.org, this website discovered that 174,000,000 people have been murdered by the governments in the 20th century, with no end in sight; that’s more than 4 times the number of people murdered by war alone, which is also mortifyingly high (36,000,000). All of the people murdered by the governments, head to toe, would encircle the earth four times over again, in a “megatomb” or “ring of tears”. There are other, equally mortifying, ways in which to visualize the government’s murder. If all of the water or blood in the 174,000,000 people murdered by democratic democide in the 20th century were to flow over the American Niagra Falls, it would take 10.4 hours for all of the water and 42.5 minutes for the blood, including wars and democide, that’s 210,000,000 people murdered by the governments in last 100 years. On average, that amounts to 2,100,000 people murdered a year by the governments, or some 5,700 people murdered each day. The real numbers are much more mortifying, since government-mandated death took place in concentrated clusters.

To me, this shows how crazy it is for anyone to vote for your choice or “lesser evil“. Can anyone in their coherent mind really think that the government comes anywhere near close to saving 2,100,000 lives a year? Or, [that] these lives would not exist without the government? The government is a perpetual “Black Plague of Death”. This is how governments view people: as expendable. Also, note that the US is listed as one of the agents of democide: “in this century the United States probably murdered about 583,000 people (line 350), conceivable even as many as 1,641,000 all told.”

Jaimine Bezboznik: A blasphemous writer awaiting sedition charges for soliciting Indian readers to think critically and anarchistically.
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