Categories: Opinion

Opinion: The Kashmiri unrest! Are we making another Palestine and Israel

Srinagar: Police firing tear gas shells against agitators during a protest following the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Muzaffar Wani along with his two associates in Srinagar on Saturday. PTI Photo by S Irfan (PTI7_9_2016_000155B)

One man’s terrorist is another man’s hero, says a popular statement. Maybe that’s true in the case of Burhan Vani, the Hizbul commander and the poster boy for terrorist activity in the Kashmir valley. The 21-year-old was killed in an encounter with the Indian armed forces on Friday. But what has followed up as an aftermath of this incident in the valley is shameful. Thousands of people gathered to give him the funeral of a hero. The violence that erupted after this also is a shameful and an act of conspiracy against India.  ISIS flags were waved in the funeral by people who think Islamic state is the only solution against all the so called oppression against them.

The act of oppression on the armed forces is a shameful act by the Kashmiri youth who want a free Kashmir ( and God alone knows what after that!!.) Today it is Kashmir and tomorrow it would be Delhi and the list would go on if a strong message is not sent to those protesting against the nation. If not within years, I wouldn’t wonder if we see posters reading ” Save Kashmir from India ” popping up as display pictures and Facebook images, if this isn’t dealt with very soon . Maybe an eye for an eye is the only way to go. The youth of India has to stand in support of the Government and its acts to hold India together in one piece. If this doesn’t happen soon we are going to see another Palestine -Israel scenario in India, where the obvious scapegoat is going to be India.

Act before it is too late, and act with arms, if words are not going to do any good. Nationalism has to come in before supporting a person. The people who say terrorism has no religion, terrorists are misguided individuals now have to take a strong stand against these activities and condemn it in words and deeds. Show us the same consolidation and determination that is showed in standing with Dr.Zakir Naik

Ashish Saradka: I am a debater orator and luckily an engineer. I work for HP, Writing is a passion .my principle in life " LOVE CAN CONQUER ANYTHING AND ANYONE ". Electronics computer and nature pull out the child in me
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