The Supine Postures

Supine Postures are performed while sleeping on the Back. After having learned various things from the basics of Yoga and also a few standing, sitting, and prone asanas, we are now diving into the Supine Postures. Let us now dissect a few Supine Postures, one by one.

The position for all Supine Postures is Shavasana meaning (Corpse posture). This asana shall be the starting point of all Supine Postures.


Type of Asana: Supine
Category of Asana: Relaxative
Name of the Asana: Shavasana
Meaning of the Asana: Corpse Posture
Shavasana shall be the Position or Sthithi for all supine postures.

Steps for relaxation: –

1. Legs apart; hands apart.
2. Palms facing the roof.
3. Eyes closed; face smiling.
4. Observe your breadth.

Steps for asana positioning: –

1. Legs together; hands above the head.
2. Biceps should touch the ears.
3. Eyes closed; face smiling.

Unique points on Shavasana:-

1. It is the most relaxative asana.
2. Various techniques of relaxation are practiced along with Shavasana.
3. Used in the practice of “YOGA NIDRA” – a special relaxative technique.
4. If practiced in a certain form, it is proved to cure many diseases through imbibing positive thoughts deep into the consciousness.
5. It is a mechanism to ‘look-inward’ into the consciousness.
6. This is the only asana which has no limitations & can be performed by all.
7. This is the most difficult of all asanas in the real sense; as in all asanas require the effort of the body, whereas Shavasana requires the effort of the mind.

(Courtesy: Google images)



Name of the Asana: Halasana
Type of Asana: Supine
Category of Asana: Culturative
Meaning of the Asana: Plow Posture
Position or Sthithi: Shavasana (as explained previously)

1. Inhale – Lift your legs up to 45 degrees.
2. Inhale – Lift your legs up to 90 degrees.
3. Exhale – Lift your body, slowly recline back & take your legs parallel to the ground; hold your hands on your hips.
4. Exhale -Take your hands on the other side; with the help of your hand drop your legs to the ground without bending the knees.
5. Inhale – Lift your leg so as to make it parallel to the ground.
6. Inhale – Lift your legs up to 90 degrees; take your hands back; don’t lift your head.
7. Exhale – Release the leg up to 45 degrees.
8. Exhale – Come back to Shavasana & relax. 🙂

Benefits: –
1. Stretches & stimulates the back muscles, spinal joints, & lumbar nerves.
2. Enhances blood flow to the neck.
3. Positive impact on the thyroid gland.
4. Keeps the spine flexible.

Limitations: –
1. Cardiac patients should avoid this posture.
2. People having spondylosis must also avoid this posture.


Name of the Asana: Navasana
Type of Asana: Supine
Category of Asana: Culturative
Meaning of the Asana: Boat Posture
Position or Sthithi: Shavasana (as explained previously)

1. Exhale – Simultaneously life both the hands and the legs (as shown in the picture below)
2. Exhale – Slowly bring down the hands and legs together. Come to Shavasana.

Benefits: –
1. Reduces the belly fat.
2. stirs the abdomen and helps improve digestion.
3. Positive impact on the digestive organs.
4. Stimulates liver, pancreas, and the stomach.

Limitations: –
1. Cardiac patients and persons who have undergone recent abdominal surgery should avoid this posture.
2. People having spondylosis must also avoid this posture.


Disclaimer: “All these pictures and their corresponding explanations with regards to the asanas are only for the purposes of knowledge transfer. This article is not a means to teach or learn Yoga Asanas in any way. Those who are interested to know more about Asanas may contact the author. Please do not try the asanas shown here at home, workplace, or anywhere else without proper guidance.”



Anup Vittal: Thinker, Writer, Yoga Expert
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