With right-of-centre governments in power in the world’s major democracies – India, Britain, Germany and Japan, similar to the trend seen across the United States, Europe and South America…
Go GOPAAL… Say No to Alcohol
“It’s just one peg” is what every drunkard started with! Here we introduce you to a group of people who strive hard to stop people from taking that one first peg – GOPAAL (Global Organization of…
Voters have “fascist” propensities
In his superb analysis of democracy, Hans-Hermann Hoppe observes that “prime ministers and presidents are selected for their proven efficiency as morally uninhibited demagogues. Thus, democracy virtua…
Ladies and gentlemen, John Nash…
“Why do we always want to be accepted by the society?” I asked, my friend said “Because we live in it.” That was pretty obvious! But yet, why it is so important?? I had just finished watching the movi…
Home-made Turmeric powder
Turmeric is one of the most important spices we use in everyday cooking. It has so many health benefits and is commonly used to heal Cold and cough in infants. When my kids were small and when I start…
Make your house, a home
I was searching, searching!! Searching!! F*** I am getting late. And I can’t find a pair of socks!! Shall I transmit a distress message to Mom? Any normal day I would, But this day was not normal, I h…
Surface Pro 3 and Surface Pro 4 – an opinion
Microsoft introduced the Surface Pro lines a few years ago in the US. Though, they were not initially popular, the Surface Pro 3 was too good to ignore, eventually, it made Microsoft profitable in the…
How to free up the storage on your Android device using Google Photos?
We all have faced this problem: No storage space. Please delete some files. It is the most frustrating thing (Well, after slow internet!). Let’s admit it. None of the platforms have found the pe…
Lenovo K4 Note – Specs and Opinion
Lenovo has grown tremendously as a smartphone manufacturer. When the big giants such as Samsung and HTC are struggling to post the profit every quarter, Lenovo has been making benchmarks and record sa…
Pathankot attack: Stop your crying and blaming – Kanchan Gupta
Hindsight is a two-bogey train. The first coach is called “clarity”, the second is “wisdom”. The engine is driven by a fuel called “realisation”. And so it is that …