In an unprecedented retaliation for a cowardly terror attack, Indian Army special forces crossed LOC and killed 20 terrorists. Some media reports suggest that as many as 200 people have been injured d…
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Defying death- The story of Shruthi, a cancer survivor
We have often heard people saying, “Anything that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” But it is only easy to make a statement like that but hard to live with. When death comes too close, when people…
Here Is What This Congress Leader Said on PM Modi’s birthday
We have read and heard enough about the wholeheartedness of our beloved PM Narendra Modi. PM is a man of million hearts and it was his birthday yesterday. While the whole of nation wished our PM a con…
Everybody had lost hopes on India and then Narendra Modi happened!
“Nothing can happen to that nation,” to a “Nation where people shit next to train tracks,” to “ Are you going to India? Be careful of Cholera, Dengue, and Malaria!!” Just three sentences defined the n…
Glimpses of Bandipura
Karnataka, also known as “Gandhada Beedu”, has a wide variety of flora and fauna in it. Bhadra, Nagarahole, Bandipura, kaali reserve forests are some of them, we could name .They are the …
SHOCKING! CNC claims NAXAL and ISIS terror Presence in Kodagu
In an enigmatic development in south Karnataka, Kodagu Codava National Council president N.U. Nachappa Codava has claimed the presence of world’s most feared terrorist organizations ISIS and Na…
How The Karnataka Govt Messed Up The Cauvery Issue For The People of Karnataka
There are certain facts one should know pertaining to how state government of Karnataka messed up the Cauvery issue for the state of Karnataka. I write this article to put forward certain facts and ex…
Here is How Narendra Modi has Outrun China
The Indian international diplomacy has reached all new heights under Modi Sarkar. You can me Bhakt for praising the PM, I call you a looser for not understanding his strategies, I call you a stooge of…
Rahul Gandhi tries to emulate Modi’s Chai Pe Charcha’ by launching ‘Khat Pe Charcha! But fails!
Rahul Gandhi’s hopes of getting his version of “MODI MAGIC,” by replicating the Chai pe charcha seems to have taken a bad hit with his first “Khat pe charcha” being a total disaster. Congress vice-pre…
You Will Not Believe What This IAS Officer Did To Save The Villagers From The Flood
“He who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right,” these are the words of a Chinese philosopher named Confucius. And these words prove out to be true many a times. There is no…