The world revolves around the constant force of change. And if you ask me the biggest driving force for the change that has occurred over the last 2 t…
Sentiments are hurt?
Senti-mental people are the greatest threat to the principles of life and liberty, today. Historically speaking, sentimental people have committed var…
Are you bilking your partner in “some” way?
Even a “true” relationship doesn’t guarantee perfect equilibrium between beloveds. Many dawdle their whole “romantic” li…
Few Reasons Anarchists Make Romantic Partners
In one of my article titled “A loyal slut and a disloyal wife“, I have differentiated between true anarchists and fake anarchists. This yellow article…
You need recession, stupid.
Statists believe that “government spending” is requisite because they are chaffed to refute libertarian theories on road. In my view, gove…
The quietest place of earth…
You might have disturbed by the noise many times and tried to spend some time in silence. Whenever we get upset we want to sit somewhere quietly. I al…
How do you value the human values?
Respected readers, if I ask my young friends or anyone what is the value of your mobile he will tell me within a moment. They can even tell the values…
Ladies and gentlemen, John Nash…
“Why do we always want to be accepted by the society?” I asked, my friend said “Because we live in it.” That was pretty obvious! But yet, why it is so…
Make your house, a home
I was searching, searching!! Searching!! F*** I am getting late. And I can’t find a pair of socks!! Shall I transmit a distress message to Mom? Any no…
That moment when I touched her feet for the first time
It was a monsoon evening and when I cried out, someone else too had tears rolling. But those were tears of sheer joy. My cry, that day brought a sigh …