When Pandavas were leaving for Varanavat, Duryodhana says, “You are going so far, I worry for you” as an answer Yudhishtir replies, “Don’t worry for u…
Jab Tak Hai Jaan
“I have plans for my future, unlike you keep planning for our future.” I wondering what she was talking about. She said, “A guy proposed me, and he is…
Akash Srivatsa – The story behind the name..
Episode 02 2006. Didn’t I tell you that I always wanted to be an actor? From my college days, I had this fascination. My silly assumption was th…
My first film-making advice …
Episode 1 It was the year, 2006. I was just out of my engineering and was still unsure of what I really wanted to do with my life. Cinema held a serio…
How can you trust that person?
“How can you trust that person?” The question was disturbing me since few days. I couldn’t think anything but this. No, I didn’t want to get rid of it…
Recondite Chapter 3
continued from Recondite chapter 2 Three Atal Avadhani was a religious man and a CID officer. He believed the city was cursed and for the past few da…
Recondite Chapter 2
continued from chapter 1 Sundhar Shetty sighed. Rain that was just a drizzle had turned in to a torrent, which was a nuisance. He ran a teashop besid…
Two swords in one sheath
Once in the region of Mithilia ruled a great king named Janak. He was a great ruler, an efficient administrator, and a firm believer of peace and brot…
Recondite Chapter 1
[mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]T[/mks_dropcap]he boy jus…

In the unit test of life
I was already in tears on a lazy Sunday evening thinking about the week ahead. Projects, Escalations, deadlines, team meetings and team outings, Traff…