After 20 days in prison, Jawaharlal Nehru University Students’ Union President Kanhaiya Kumar declared on Thursday night, that what the students wanted was “freedom in India, not freedom from India.”
In a fiery speech he made to the captivated audience, he said that they stand for socialism, secularism and equality and too took regular jibes at PM Modi and the central government.
Here are the highlights of his speech-
- “We want freedom not from India but from those who loot India.”
- “We will pursue this fight that was begun by Rohith Vemula and all of you and we will see it till it’s end!”
- “The PM had tweeted ‘Satyameva Jayate’. I am also saying the same thing.”
- “The ABVP is not our enemy. They are our opposition.”
- “You speak against the government and they send doctored videos.”
- “This is a long fight. We will fight it without bowing!”
- “The attack on JNU was planned to distract us from the UGC protest and dilute the fight for justice for Rohith Vemula.”
- “We Indians forget too soon, but this time the tamasha (show) is too big and these jumlas (gimmicks) won’t be forgotten.”
- “The ABVP in our campus is more rational as compared to the ABVP outside our campus”\
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