Google Chrome is the most used and fastest browser and Firefox is the most developer friendly browser. To make your Chrome or Firefox much better, we need some extensions or Add-ons. Here are some of the must have Chrome and Firefox extensions:
1. Adblock Plus: In this modern era, Ads are the most annoying things for anyone. Adblock Plus is a must have extension if you’re using Chrome or Firefox.
2. Google Dictionary by Google: Sometimes when you come across a new word, you just open your dictionary in phone or computer and search or if you’re lazy like me you leave the word and move on. If you’re one of either of these group, here’s an extension for you. Just double click on the word to get the meaning pop-up!
3. Pocket: Pocket is one of the best bookmark apps available. You could even have it installed in your Android/iOS devices.
4. Adblock for Youtube: To block those most annoying video ads on Youtube!
5. Instagram for Chrome: Here’s an extension if you love Instagram!
6. Evernote Web: Evernote Web is one of the perfect extension for you to take notes and do a lot more productive works.
7. Evernote Web Clipper: Evernote Web Clipper is another extension from evernote to save quick notes and clips.
8. Clearly: As the name defines, Clearly cut downs the annoying flash and ads, yet again from evernote.
9. Black Menu for Google: Some of us just love Black on our computer. Here’s Black menu for chrome if you love black.
10. Feedly: Feedly is the best extension for RSS., hands down.
You could easily install these apps from Chrome store or firefox Add-ons. These are the ten must have extension for anyone who loves browsing.