“We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.”– Kofi Annan.
Maybe an African leader said it. But, we Indians follow it every day. In spite of great effort by politicians and #Sickulars to divide us in the name of religion and region, we have fought back against their efforts. Whether it’s for the Green uniform of our soldiers or the blue jersey of our sportsmen, we all feel we are all Indians first and a Hindu, Muslim or Christian next. Or even a Kannadiga, a Marathi or a Tamilian next.
In this course of feeling oneness, we have embraced several people from several countries and at this moment, we even doubt if they are from different country…!!! Nepalese stand in the top of the list. The hundreds of “Bhayyas” in every street of Indian cities are Nepalese. The security of our apartment to the colleague in office, do we feel he/she is from the different country. I never did.
My personal experience with 3 securities I have encountered while being a tenant in 3 different apartments of Bangalore is such that, I would never feel anyone from Nepal as a foreigner. Maybe it’s Bahadur of my 1st apartment, or Ramesh from the second or the Kumar of the current one. Everyone seems to be my own country’s people. They are the sweetest, most trustworthy and most hardworking people I have ever seen. If I would trust someone to leave my home in his hands, it would be a Nepali Security.
I hardly saw any Nepali fight with someone but is it lack of courage? Then, find the quotes on Gurkhas.
“Defeat is not a word in their vocabulary”
-John Conlin, Former Gurkha Commander
“If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or is a Gorkha”.
– Field Marshal Sam Bahadur
And their Moto – “Better to die than to be a coward”
For every good reason, we all love Nepalese. Let people keep trying to divide us, but let’s show them failure is the permanent result they get for their try.
I wish Nepal comes out strong from this natural calamity. Let the families there get the strength to bear the loss of their dear ones. Let the hunger die and strength prevail. Let the good grow and evil perish.
Dear Mother Nature,
We are all your kids. We know we are selfish and we have polluted and do not deserve you and your 100% love. But individually none of us are so bad that you kill us. Have some mercy and give us the strength. If not you, no god or no priest can save us.
Dear Nepalese,
We Indians are with you. Our Government, our people are always there to help you in need. You are our people living in the different country that’s it.