It’s the latest trend (Or troll) in Social Medias, Maggi is banned in India. And we’re not here to entertain you with more memes on the so-called 2 minutes noodles, there are already enough of them all over the internet. Here’s one of them we came across.

Is Maggi the only thing that should be banned in India? We react to these kind of trends in social media until the next one comes up. We don’t stop for a second and think but like and share whatever we see, or Retweet or whatsoever depends on the kind of media you’re into. Yes, we just want to be entertained. And the famous pages in Facebook and Twitter accounts use this as an opportunity to get more followers for their pages.
There’s one thing we all do, always. Appreciate the good, criticize the bad, the latter a bit too much. Now, just think for a moment. We all know the kind of effect the Cigarettes, Beedis, Pan or Alcohol that causes. Or even the chemicalised food items (or Junks) that we all eat all the time. Imagine if Cigarette or Alcohol is banned, what would happen? Okay, that looks like a never-happening thing that you can’t even imagine. Here’s the long-term health risks of Alcohol:
Here’s an article from The Hindu that explains everything related to smoking and pan masalas based on a research. There are 1000’s of other resources which Google can find. I am no Google.
What about the Cokes and Pepsi’s? or Sugar waters as famously quoted by Steve Jobs? They seem fine? or are they really are? And there is a huge list of drugs that are banned all over the world and are still easily available in every pharmacy in India with different forms and names. From the toothpaste we used to brush our teeth to the food we eat, are all corrupted, just like everything else is. Even the Kinder Joy contains wax and is banned in the US.
Well, what can we do about it? Whoever gets to read this post will say, “the one who wrote this has no time, no life whatsoever”, and yet they’re the ones do all the liking, sharing and Retweeting when these things are banned. As long as the celebrities endorse anything they get paid for, this won’t change, let alone these products get banned by the govt., some decades later, after completely ruining our health.
Note: The various sources for this article are linked to the original pages.