Photography is a costly hobby or passion. But, photographers feel the cost behind taking good photos only when they go to buy a new lens or gear. The moment they own it, they just do not repent for the money they spent because they are sure of getting the satisfaction of clicking their dream photo soon. But the hunger does not die there. They need more and the hunt for next good composition or a better photo starts.
There were days where everyone who buys an SLR had a passion for photography. But today, everyone who buys a DSLR does not buy it because he has a passion for it but buy it because they feel compact camera is no more ‘good to hold’ (not for the reason that they are ‘not good to click’).
World Photography day is dedicated to photographers who are seldom satisfied with their work. A Photographer is one who always feels there is something better that could have been done with the photo. May be it is the composition or the technical aspects. The day a photographer feels totally satisfied with his photo, the photographer within him dies, the creator dies, the artist dies. The only one who remains within him is the egoist. Same is the case with any art. Because, the hunger for more is what makes him an artist.
Photography is not as simple as it is believed to be. “See something good? Click it”. One needs to know the rules of photography. If not to follow it, at least to break it in right way! Rule of Thirds to the leading lines, every composition, every element in the photo means something to the people who observe it. A photo should be pleasing to both observer and a viewer. At times satisfying both is hard. It is upto the photographer many a times to decide if he feels it is a right composition. After all even the best music according to the best musicians may not impress every listener. There are exceptions where people do not learn rules of photography yet click the best of the photos. The artist within them makes them click those and observer would see that the photos have either followed the rules or have over ruled them in right way. Most photographers respect every good photo. One common thing in photographers is that they appreciate every good photograph and we hardly see anyone envying about other’s work unlike in most of the fields. May be the love for the art makes them do so.
On this world photography day, “The ripples I create with each step” by Kaushal Bhat and “Look into my eyes” by Pratheek Punchathody is presented to the readers of Readoo. Who said one can’t walk in water. Here is a proof that an ant can. World keeps amusing us with its wonders and insect world just adds to it. Keep yourselves light then you can even cross the toughest path of life.
Happy clicking to everyone!