Readoo does everything with a reason. We started the website a year ago to help people express their feelings/opinions in the form of words. This time, we went one step forward by introducing yet another form of expression to the readers; that is photography. Dristikon’ 16 mainly aimed to get the budding photographers and photo enthusiasts to mainstream and to provide an opportunity for them to exhibit their talent to the world. The contest was a big success. But we at Readoo believe our work is half done because we haven’t introduced our winners to you.
So here is an introductory article on the winner of Dristikon’ 16 Pratheek Punchathody. Pratheek is a final year engineering student, pursuing his engineering from the prestigious Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology Puttur. He started following photography passionately at a tender age of 14 and has more than 8 years of experience behind him in the field of photography. His interest lies in capturing the beauty of Nature and he appreciates the creativity that Mother Nature has put in creating everything in so much of detail. And he makes sure that he captures these minute details every time his camera clicks. Apart from this, he does photoshoots and other photography related works. He promises to be one of the best photographers to look upon in the near future.

Contest Jury Rakesh Maiya’s comments about the photo-
“A photo should tell a story. It should include a social element, a public lesson. The sunrays and people, the story of life. This photo speaks for itself. Limitations will always be there. A photographer will have limitations, the equipment in hand will have limitations. But this photo has overcome all those limitations. The photographer has done that, and for that reason, he has won that.”
Readoo India congratulates him and wishes him all the luck in his journey.