Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 was announced in India yesterday. Xiaomi has never been an OEM that piqued my interest in their phones, not until recently. The Mi 4i and Redmi Note 2 where fantastic budget phones with high-end specs, they gave Motorola and Samsung a threat that hit them hard. Xiaomi’s success in India and China has put them in a strong position in the highly fragmented smartphone industry. They are the ones who introduced cheap budget phones with tempting specs.
Now with the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3, they are back once again by reiterating their motto of low-cost phones with high-end specs. The Redmi Note 3 is a big leap over the predecessor Redmi Note 2. The specs speak for themselves. It sports a Fingerprint scanner and a monstrous 4000 MAh battery.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Specs:
Model | Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 |
Display | 5.5 inches HD |
Memory | 16 /32 GB |
RAM | 2/3 GB |
Processor | Snapdragon 650 Processor |
GPU | Adreno 510 |
Camera Rear | 16 MP |
Camera Front | 5 MP |
Battery | 4000 MAh |
Water Repellent | No |
OS | Android Lollipop |
Other Features | Fingerprint scanner |
Expected Price | Rs. 9,999/- or 11,999/- |
Redmi Note 3 Opinion: The specs sheet is by far the most impressive for a budget smartphone. The Indian variant gets a Snapdragon 650 processor and 16 MP camera. A fingerprint scanner on a budget phone seems enticing. The aluminum body is well crafted and the overall design of the phone looks absolutely stunning. Frankly, this is the best-designed phone from Xiaomi. The 4000 MAh battery seems no less either. Expect a decent performance and a good camera from the phone. If you are looking for a perfect budget phone with good specs, we feel, the Redmi Note 3 will be a great choice.
The Aluminum unibody construction gives a premium touch
Camera: We don’t expect the camera to be of a flagship level, for a budget phone. If the camera is average, that will suffice the price. But, Xiaomi thinks that they should not compromise on image quality even though it is a budget device. Here are some sample images from the company website.
Redmi Note 3 price and release date in India: The phone was announced in China on 24th November for 899 RMB and 1099 RMB, which is approximately Rs. 9,500 and Rs. 11,000 /- respectively.
Update: As we expected, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 is now officially announced in India. The phone rocks a Snapdragon 650 processor, to avoid the patent problems with Ericcson. Which turned out to be a pretty great deal for the Indian consumers. The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 is available exclusively in Amazon India.
The price is also as we predicted. The 2 GB/16 GB variant costs 9,999 Rs./- and the 3 GB/32 GB variant costs 11,999/- Rs.