We all heard about the case filed on Lord Ram. The issue took over the social media too. When I first heard it, I was like, “Hey Bhagavan, Teri Leela Aparampar hai”. Because he is the mastermind behind the creation of the whole world and his best creation is us, human beings!! I guess he was so bored and created us to entertain him.
I used to wonder doesn’t he get tired of listening pleas and fulfilling wishes! But no, I guess he loves our melodrama and blame-games too. We act like the most intelligent person in the world despite having nothing in our head, we criticize and judge him being imperfect, we brim with pride and ego having achieved nothing and now we file case on him!!
Anyway, the petition got rejected by the court calling it illogical! But the good thing is we all came to know about that lawyer. He justified himself saying he seeks justice for Sita, he is raising his voice against injustice and it will strengthen women. Okay, then why he didn’t file a case against Dushyasan to get justice for Draupadi.?? He tried to disrobe Draupadi in the center of the assembly hall. Wasn’t it a heinous act? When so many people are becoming victims of inhumanity and injustice in the present, why someone wants to fight for the things happened in Tretayug.!!
Once my friend told me, “It is not difficult to get name and fame these days. Just give some derogatory statement or do something very unusual and you will be on ‘breaking news’. That’s it. You get all the fame you want.” He was right! We are seeing it too. Lot of derogatory statements are made on Bhagavadgeetha, Lord Ram, Lord Krishna and the person gets all the attention, name, fame and subsequently awards too!!
But I just wanted to say one thing, we, the people will forget you in few days. You will not be remembered for centuries. Because you are not Swami Vivekananda, You are not Netaji. You are neither Bhagat Singh nor Mahatma Gandhi. If you people are really concerned about us, about society then strive to bring the change or work hard for the welfare of the society. Teach us to sacrifice our life to the country and to help the needy. Raise your voice against the injustice happening around and against them who are misusing laws. Then you will be immortal in the pages of history. We will place you in our heart and remember you for centuries! If not big at least help a necessitous, he will remember you until he dies. But stop all this, we already sick of it.
Now I think if the only case hadn’t been quashed, if only Lord Ram had come to the court some of us could have requested him saying, “Our PM already started Swach Bharath Abhiyan, so you too play a part in it and wipe out all the evil”. But it is very unfortunate he won’t come now.!!