One cannot think well, love well, and sleep well if one has not dined well.
– Virginia Woolf
Go back to the time when you wake up in the morning, and analyze through the day till you go to sleep, food is the fuel that burns throughout. That is the biggest reason that keeps you alive and kicking through your tiring day in the office or a very physical session in the gym. Food is the differentiating factor amongst other lifestyle etiquettes that goes a long way in keeping live cheerful faces in the top in a crowd of gloomy, soggy and tired faces. From breakfast to dinner, an early morning bed coffee to a late night milk with turmeric or Kesar, the choice of food that you consume goes a long way in shaping what kind of a human being you become.
The series of articles that follow in this section would be a simple checklist for you to read- understand and follow to maintain a healthy clean and a rejuvenating fresh lifestyle. Hopefully this out of the enormous list of “What to eat and what not to eat articles” helps you really understand food and its constituents in a way that can help you decide what to eat and what not to eat!
The quest of eating the right food starts from the store where you buy it (If you can’t grow it!)
So here are a few pieces of advice on what “Fruits and vegetables” to buy and what not to buy when you go shopping next time for food. If you are a hardcore non-vegetarian who thinks this article is not for me, wait, here is what you are missing.
From adding bright colours and lively contrast to your meal plate to being loaded with nutrients and minerals with a convincing taste fruits and veggies go a long way in adding essential fibres to your body keeping your tummy happy.
An abundant and versatile variety of fruits add threefold benefits to your health-conscious diet
- They are low in calories
- They are natural and easy access snacks
- They reduce the risk of diseases associated with our stress-filled
But buying the right fruits against the wrong ones can go a long way in helping you reap the benefits we discussed above. A quick look at this chart tells you what to do when you go out to buy food the next time.

From waxed apples to artificially ripened bananas and mangoes, coloured watermelons and green peas the market is filled with adulterated food. Have a check on what you eat and live a healthy and a nutritious lifestyle.