Whenever the word “Yoga” is uttered or is heard off, two facets of Yoga come forth viz. The Tangible Aspect and the Intangible Aspect. Yoga Tangible Aspect – Health – Fitness Intangible A…
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Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and its contribution to Hindustan
Rashtriya Swayasevak Sangha was founded by Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar in the year 1925, 25th September in an auspicious occasion of VijayaDashami. Hedgewarji conducted its first shaka with 5 children…
‘Aunty National’ Smriti Irani’s this post is a jibe on all those who oppose her
As the politician mumbled apologies and explained his “position” regarding the twitter spat to my state leader on the mobile while our contingent drove back from Bhagalpur last night; I watched his su…
Raw Footage Of JNU Afzal Guru Event Is Not Fake : CBI Forensic Lab
The raw video footage of the controversial Afzal Guru event held in JNU campus has been found ‘genuine, authentic and untampered’ by the CBI forensic labs. JNU student leader Kanhaiya Kuma…
Railways To Kodagu, A Nightmare For Karnataka
It started a few weeks back, when a group of people from the tiny district of Karnataka, Kodagu had decided to take the orthodox way of protesting against the government to a whole new level. They sou…
What if India doesn’t make it to Nuclear Suppliers Group?
With almost all countries backing India for its entry to the Nuclear Suppliers Group – NSG, China doesn’t seem to be softening their stands on India’s entry in NSG. China has more than enough re…
What Some Top Bureaucrats Say About PM Narendra Modi’s Work Habits
Even the media knows that Modi works very hard and it is often reported that he has not taken a single day off in two years. That by any yardstick is practically unknown of for the head of a country. …
Democratic Democide
No matter how many euphemisms are applied by our “experts” to beautify the horrendousness of democracy, the gods still fail to hamper their own satanism against liberty. Democracy is the slowest form …
Is “Modern Feminism” Individualistic?
We are superseding towards the society of “angry dummies (AD)”. AD are a form of zombies who feel that they have rights “over others” THAN “with others”; they shun ANY opinion which does not act in sy…
I Promise To Work Hard To Justify The Confidence Placed On Me By The People: Narendra Modi
The Modi Govt on Saturday celebrated its two years in office with an extravaganza where the Prime Minister Narendra Modi vowed to root out corruption and make life easier for people “looted” for years…