[dropcap]T[/dropcap] The meaning of exercise and it’s benefits is beautifully narrated in Ayurveda. Now a days people are more interested in maintaining their Physique, health and want to stay fit. So they go for different modes of exercises. It may be an aerobic exercise or yoga or going to the gym, whatever, people are interested in its outcome. But it is also important to know certain health related aspects mentioned in Ayurveda before doing any form of exercises.
The definition of it goes as-
“Whatever may be the form, the work which makes us tired is known as exercise”.
Now you may be happy as it includes your daily tiresome works like cleaning the house, gardening, playing outdoor or indoor games which make you sweat is also included under the word exercise. So I suppose all are doing one or the other form of exercise which makes them sweat profusely.
Coming to its benefits; it imparts lightness to the body, increases the stamina, increases the immunity of the body, and importantly, it increases the digestive capacity of the body which helps the person to digest the unwholesome food also. These are the benefits if the exercise is done according to body’s capacity. If overdone it will make the body weak and brings the signs of ageing early.
Then how to know once’s body capacity?
It is said in Ayurveda that a person has to exercise half of his/her body capacity. Signs like sweat- if seen in the forehead, nose, in the foldings of joints and in under arms is considered as work done half of his body’s capacity. If done in winter and spring season it is good, in other seasons one has to keep an eye on his strength and should not over do it. One has to take the food which is rich in protein and fiber.
Now coming to the contraindication of exercise it should not be done immediately after taking food, when the person is suffering from cough, breathlessness, emaciated due to disease and wounded. If an exercise is done excessively it will lead to certain complication such as cough, fever, vomiting, tiredness, general debility, excessive thirst and disease related to blood. So know your limits stay fit and stay healthy with exercise. If the exercise is done properly, health will be in your hand. So enjoy good health.